New & Improved Genealogy Queries

by | Aug 30, 2016 | 0 comments

Have you heard the news?Well, this is pretty exciting! Recently, has been working on developing a stronger Facebook presence, and is building a substantial web following.

With a broader reach, it seems the logical next step is to tap into the power of the web and social media to have a new and improved queries section.

Now, there is a dedicated form to Submit a Query. It asks that you provide information such as your counties and surnames of interest, as well as a detailed query. It also asks for your name and e-mail, but that’s just to make it easier to contact you if there is a question about your query.

Your name and e-mail address will not be posted to the query unless you request that they are published. You also have the option of including one or the other (if you want to include only your name, for instance, or only your e-mail).

There will be easy social media sharing icons at the bottom of each posted query so I encourage you to share these online in case anyone else would like to chip in and add their comments.

Submitted queries will be posted to the special Queries category within 24-48 hours of receipt. The category is easily accessible from the top menu of the site and the query headlines will appear on the site’s home page — at least until new queries cause it to roll off the home page. Even when the query no longer appears on the home page, though, it will be easily accessible through the Queries link or by folks doing a basic search of the site. (There is a search bar at the top of the sidebar.)

Are there any eastern North Carolina mysteries in your family tree that you just cannot seem to solve? If so, submit your query now, and maybe, just maybe, someone will have exactly the piece of information that you’ve been looking for!


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