Abraham Kornegay (Jones County) to James Cremer (Beaufort County), 1787

by | Jul 4, 2024 | 0 comments

Abraham Kornegay (Jones County) to James Cremer (Beaufort County) - Elisha Morris and John Holmes witnesses (1787)

This is another item I found using the Full Text Search at FamilySearch. I normally wouldn’t be searching deeds for these men, but my ancestor John Holmes and a person of interest, Elisha Morris, both show up as witnesses to the deed.

I’ll put abstracted data below and then include the full images at the bottom of the post for anyone who is interested.

January 1787

Between ABRAHAM KORNEGAY of Jones County and JAMES CRAMER of Beaufort County for consideration of 91£ cm paid by James Cremer at or before the ensealing of these presents… a certain parcel of land held by patent granted GEORGE FISHER in Beaufort County bearing date May the 23 1757 being all the land on the North side of Cabin branch contained in the aforesaid ?? beginning in the beginning line on the North side of Cabin branch at a white oak with the said branch (ed: text goes very dark) … by estimation 134 acres to be the same more or less.

A Kornegay {Seal}

Elisha Morris
John { his X mark } Homes

June Term 1787 proved in court by the oath of Elisha Morris, Ald. Ellison Clk.


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