Craven County Genealogy

Mystery: Who is Mary Fornes?

Mystery: Who is Mary Fornes?

Alright, we have yet another mystery on our hands. I'm hoping some of you might actually have some pieces of information that can fill in the blanks for me. Below are two deeds from Pitt County. The first item below is a deed in which Mary FORNES gives land to her...

William Whitford to Thomas Whitford (Craven County, 1748)

William Whitford to Thomas Whitford (Craven County, 1748)

Below I have transcribed a deed from William WHITFORD to Thomas WHITFORD, both of Craven County. To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that I William WHITFORD of the County of Craven in North Carolina Schoolmaster for & in consideration...

1783 Anderson, Thomas, Lynaugh, Oliver Deed (Craven County)

1783 Anderson, Thomas, Lynaugh, Oliver Deed (Craven County)

I love deeds like this that reveal information about the women who signed them. So often, it's hard to uncover a woman's maiden name when no marriage bonds are on record, but a deed in which the woman has to agree to sell the land is a great way of discovering her...