If you have favorite articles about DNA testing, please reply with them below. I think it would be helpful to start getting together a collection of educational information for folks who are new to genetic genealogy.
(Another topic in this sub-forum invites you to post kit numbers you manage at Gedmatch, or information about other kits you manage at other sites.)
Here are some of my favorite resources:
DNAPainter Tutorial - This video by Blaine Bettinger discusses one of my favorite DNA kit tools, DNAPainter.com. My favorite way to describe DNAPainter is it's like FTDNA's Chromosome Browser, but on steroids, with the ability to add as many matches and see as much overlap on chromosomes as you'd like — with separate rows for maternal and paternal matches.
Jason Lee's YouTube channel has several comprehensive videos about different aspects of genetic genealogy. They're lengthy, but they are chock-full of great info.
Building Quick & Dirty Trees to Identify Genetic Matches