If you would like to request that a new forum be set up for your particular surname(s) of interest, post the surname(s) and relevant county or counties, below.
Please don't request forums for all of your surnames, only surnames that you believe likely have enough interest to generate some helpful discussions and that you are willing to include your own information about to get the forum started.
Hello Sara,
I am new to this. I am trying to find out more about my great-grandparents. The surname that I am researching is Riggs. The county is Onslow.
Hi there! Welcome! I'm sure once you've posted and gotten some responses, you'll get the hang of this in no time!
Riggs is a big Onslow County name. I'll add a surname forum for it and maybe if you go there and post what you know, there might be others who will have information they can add. 🙂
I'd like to request Gatlin and King. I have so much stuff about the Gatlin family it's not even funny and I still don't know where my John Gatlin fits. I have a theory, but I can't prove it. Also, my grandmother was a King, but I don't know where her ancestry fits among the King families in the area. The furthest I've gone back with absolute certainty is Thomas King who died in May 1835. I think he's the one who married Sidney Lawson, but am not sure.
Absolutely, Becky! I'll add these right now! 🙂
Hi Sara,
Can you please add (Galloway) I'm trying to get past a wall on my William Galloway who died in Beaufort County 1809...
Sure thing, Dave! And welcome! 🙂
Greetings! I am trying to find information on William King Pope and John Sylvester Pope. Counties I know for sure the family has lived in are Bladen, Sampson, Pender, Duplin. I'm looking specifically for information from before 1830.
I have just finished spending three very educational days with Roger Kammerer at the Joyner Library, North Carolina Collection, at ECU in Greenville. I assume a lot of you reading this forum are aware of the resources they have there for finding ancestors in North Carolina in general and East North Carolina in particular. I strongly recommend you give them a try if you are up against a wall. While we did not completely break down the wall as to who my 2nd great grandfather, Lewis Speir’s parents are, there are now some major cracks in it and I know a lot about who they aren’t. I feel it’s just a matter of time and a little more work on my part before I know who they were. I also now know a lot more than I did about my other NC family lines. In the meantime, please keep the name “Speir” on the surname list; I also may be interested in other spellings of the name. Counties of interest are Pitt for sure and probably Beaufort, Edgecombe, and Craven. Thanks for all the help you all have given me so far.
To @realitykills - I'll add a forum for the Pope surname now. Feel free to write the first post in the forum to talk about the specific lines you're researching. 🙂
To @george - I think between your research and mine (and helpful input from researchers like @bsumrell we may well solve both of our mysteries).
Hi Sara, I've recently joined and wanted to say you did a fine job putting this webpage together! Thank you 😉
Could you add the surname Rose please? I'm trying to find out how they came abound settling in Hyde Co. NC. and where they migrated from.
I'm interested in the surname EXUM. There were some of them in Isle of Wight County, VA, then came down to NC. They were Quakers as far as I've been able to tell.
Recently I have been researching my son-in-law's genealogy, and found several Exums in his ancestry.
The earliest was William Exum II, Born 1663 Isle of Wight County, Virginia-died 17 October 1756 Nottaway Parish, Southampton County, Virginia
William married Patience Purcell (01 June 1680 Surry County, Virginia -April 1775 Isle of Wight County, Virginia (daughter of Arthur and Sarah Purcell)
These other Exums were found
William Exum (1802-1880 Wayne County, NC) and his wife, Charlotte Jones (1808-1867 Wayne County, NC)
Their eight children were
Louisa Vicey
Margaret Mariah
and Julia
I am researching the surname Caudle. I believe my 4th great grandfather, Moses Caudle, 1765-1853, was indentured at the age of 5 to a George Wooten in Bute County. I have found a record. I'm wishing I could find out who his parents are. The Record says Mary, but I need the father's name. Of course any Caudle information is very welcome! 🙂
Thank you!
Debbie Caudle
I'm looking for Brantley.