Beaufort County GenWeb has the following Census and Tax Lists.
– Tax Lists:
- 1715 Corn List For Beaufort and Hyde Precincts
- 1717 Beaufort Precinct Land List
- 1723 List of Jurymen in Beaufort and Hyde Precinct
- 1755 List of Beaufort County Taxables
- 1764 Beaufort County List of Taxables
- 1779 Beaufort County List of Taxables
- 1815 Beaufort County List of Taxables (Goose Creek Twp.)
- 1816 Beaufort County List of Taxables (Goose Creek Twp.)
- 1819 Beaufort County List of Taxables Goose Creek Twp.)
- 1819 Petition to General Assembly
– Census Records:
- 1790 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1800 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1810 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1820 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1830 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1840 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1850 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1850 Beaufort Co., NC Slave Schedule
- 1860 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1860 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Slave Schedule
- 1860 BeaufortCo., NC Federal Census (Microfilm Images)
- 1870 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1870 BeaufortCo., NC Federal Census (Microfilm Images)
- 1880 Beaufort Co., NC Federal Census
- 1880 BeaufortCo., NC Federal Census (Microfilm Images)
- 1890 Beaufort Co., Veterans & Widows Schedule