UPDATE: 1/9/2025 - Since this page was originally published, the NCDR site has changed all of its links. I'm updating them as I'm able, but if any of the links below don't work, please just go to the main category page here...
Beaufort County
1789 Beaufort County Tax List
Below I have transcribed the entire Beaufort County tax listing for 1789, including various rural districts, the town of Washington, and the town of Bath. If you would like to see all of the original images of this and many other early North Carolina tax lists, please...
1790 – Beaufort County Census
The following can be found in the State Records of North Carolina, Volume 26, Pages 254-269. Beaufort County Census of 1790 No Author Volume 26, Pages 254-269 -------------------- page 254 -------------------- BEAUFORT COUNTY. County, City, Town, Parish, Hundred, Etc....
Beaufort County Tax Lists and Census Records (at NC GenWeb)
Beaufort County GenWeb has the following Census and Tax Lists. - Tax Lists: 1715 Corn List For Beaufort and Hyde Precincts 1717 Beaufort Precinct Land List 1723 List of Jurymen in Beaufort and Hyde Precinct 1755 List of Beaufort County Taxables 1764 Beaufort County...