Jemima Kemp, wife o...
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Jemima Kemp, wife of Jeremiah Warren

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I just found this today while going through some court records.  It was on pretty much the last page of the book, of course.  I've attached the relevant pages.  The date for this is 15 Sep 1787.   Jemima and the others were, I think, children of Matthias and Elizabeth Kemp and siblings of James.


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This is such a great find! I have James Kemp as the father of the following children: 

  • John Kemp (d. 1793)
  • Nancy "Ann" Kemp m. Joseph Phipps (married in 1788)
  • Wineford Kemp m. John King, son of Joel King; moved to Georgia (married in 1795)
  • Sarah "Sally" Kemp

I had thought Matthias was James's father. I checked my tree and can't find any evidence for that except for a guess based on likely age. I found this in Craven County from June 1764: 

Ordered that Mathew KEMP have leave to keep a Tavern at his now dwelling house in Craven County he giving good Security as the Law directs."

Based on the fact that James' children were very small when he died, I assumed he was likely born around 1745 or so. That said, I couldn't imagine him having a brother who would be old enough to have a tavern in 1764. It's definitely possible, but I think that was my line of thinking. 

What are your thoughts? 


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Duh... I just saw that I misread the relationships in your post. I thought you said Matthias was a brother. *facepalm* 

Anyhow... I did some digging in my own files and found this items mentioning Jemima:

From Craven County Court Minutes, June 1790:

On reading the Petition of Isaac KEMP and others praying for an allowance to be made them from the Estate of James KEMP in the Ferry Plantation for Certain Causes therein mentioned, The Court order that Isaac KEMP, Thomas KEMP, Jemima WARREN and Elizabeth NELSON be allowed twelve pounds ten shillings each to be raised as before mentioned and Costs.

And for the benefit of whoever might be interested, here are a variety of other deed abstracts that mention the Kemp family (not exhaustive):

337. Dec. 17, 1744 Matthias Kemp, planter (Craven Co) to Daniel West, cooper (same); for £20 sold 100 ac on N side of Nuce R; border: begins at a stake. (signed) "Mattias" Kemp's mark "M"; (witness) Jno Founville & Thos "Trwhitt"; book 401.2 p. 10.


1977. Dec. 17, 1744 Matthias Kemp, planter (Craven Co) to Daniel West, cooper (same); for £20 sold 100 ac or half of land where I live on N side of Neuse R; border: begins at a stake. (signed) Matthias Kemp 's mark "M"; (witness) Jno "Founville" & Thos Trewhitt; [no wit. oath mentioned]; book 3 p. 10.


4147. Mar. 5, 1768 James Kemp (Craven Co) to John Anderson, son(?) of Peter Anderson (same); for £4 10 proclamation money sold 1 ac; border: begins at Charles James' second corner tree; for use of a mill, part of 300 ac granted in 1767 to James Kemp and now held by said James Kemp by deed from said James Kemp (sic). (signed) James "Cemp"; (witness) Leavin Ross & Peter Anderson; wit. oath Mar. 1768 by Peter Anderson; book 15 p. 27.


4764. Apr. 8, 1769 James Kemp (Craven Co) to Charles James (same); for £30 proclamation money sold 100 ac; border: joins said Charles James' old tract deeded by John Anderson to Joseph James and Swifts Cr [no more description]; on upper end of 300 ac i my "survee. (signed) James "Cemp"; (witness) Jos James, Benjamin Williams, & William Dooberly; wit. oath Mar. 172 by William "Dubberly"; book 19 p. 255.


1005 (521). Oct. 11, 1778 Thomas Curtis enters 100 ac in Craven Co on N side of Neuse River border: James Kemp's heirs, Edward Griffith, Joseph Anderson; not withdrawn [510] as Curtis neglected to get the warrant returned agreeable to law.


7502 Nov. 24, 1789 Joseph Anderson and Benjamin Williamson & wife Sarah (Craven Co) to Isaac Lane (same); for £155 sold (a) 100 ac on N side of Neuse R & S side of Swift Cr; border: begins at pine on side of pocoson, joins Col. Griffith, William Phipps, & Kemp's given line; granted in Feb. 1765 to Joshua Kemp; & (b) 175 ac; border: begins at Dobbs' corner pine by a road on Joshua Kemp's "little" patent line, joins Matthias Kemp's old line, "the creek pocosion", Phipps, & bend of the road; granted in 1783 to Joseph Anderson. (signed) Joseph Anderson, Benjamin Williams, & Sarah Williams; (witness) George Lane & Samson Lane; wit. oath Mar. 1791 by George Lane; book 29p 2.


10213. Feb. 7, 1801 John S West (Craven Co) to Solomon Patrick; for $1,500 sold 777 ac in 6 tracts: (a) [omitted, maybe 112] ac on N side of Neuse R & W side of Swifts Cr; border: begins at a pine beside the river; except "such part" of Jas Lovick patent as Edward Griffith may take "which land" was granted Feb. 15, 1739 to James Ruben; & (b) 90 ac; border: begins at a pine beside the river at mouth of the thoroughfare about 80 poles above Kemp's Ferry, joins Governor Dobbs, & Kemp's old survey; "another part" granted Apr 8, 1768 to Matthias Kemp; both tracts sold by heirs of James Kemp deceased to James S West, (c) 100 ac border: begins at a pine on pocoson side "Swifts Creek", joins Col. Griffith, William Phipps, & Kemp's given line, granted Feb. [blank], 1765 to Joshua Kemp; (d) 175 ac; border: begins at Dobbs' corner pine beside a road at Joshua Kemp's "little" patent line, joins Matthias Kemp's old line, creek pocoson, Joshua Ress, & Phillips; granted in 1783 to Joseph Anderson: (e) 200 act border: begins at William Philips' lower corner on the creek run, joins high ground of a swamp, & Isaac Lane's lower pasture; granted Aug. 20, 1795 to Isaac Lane; (1) 100 ac; border: begins at Isaac Lane s fourth corner blackjack of a patent, joins Matthias Kemp, a pocoson, main creek, Griffith, & Herbert: granted in 1798 to John S West. (signed) John S West; (witness) B Woods jurat [only one witness]; wit. oath Mar. 1802 by Benjamin Woods esq; book 36 p. 6.


10233. Jun. I, 1802 John Spence West (Craven Co) to Solomon Patrick (same); for $3,000 sold 777 ac in 6 tracts: (a) [omitted] ac on N side of Neuse R & W side of Swifts Cr; border begins at a pine beside the river; except "such part" of the patent that Lovick's grant or Edward Griffith's may take granted Feb. 15, 1739 to James Herbes; (b) 92 ac; border: begins at a pine on the river at mouth of thoroughfare 80 poles above Kemp's Ferry Landing, joins Governor Dobbs, & Kemp's old survey; granted Apr. 8, 1768 to Matthias Kemp; both tracts sold by heirs of James Kemp deceased to John S West; (c) 100 ac, border begins at a pine beside a pocoson of Swifts Cr, joins Col. Griffith, William Phipps, & Kemp's given line, granted Feb [blank], 1765 to Joseph Kemp, (d) 125 ac, border: begins at Joshua Kemp's little patent line at Dobbs' Corner, joins Matthias Kemp's old line, & creek pocoson; granted in 1783 to Joseph Anderson; (e) 200 ac on the swamp Opposite Isaac Lane's plantation; border: begins at William Phipps' lower corner of his land on the Creek run and joins Isaac Lane's patent; granted Aug. 20, 1 795 to Isaac Lane; (1) 100 ac; border: begins at Isaac Lane's fourth corner blackjack of patent joining Matthias Kemp's line, joins a creek, Griffith, & Herbert; granted in 1798 to John S West. (signed) John S West; (witness) Wm Blackledge & Jas Gatlin; wit. oath Jun. 1 802 by William Blackledge; book 36 p. 35.


11225 Feb. 7, 1806 Samuel Street (Craven Co) to Solomon Patrick (same); for $1,000 sold 727 ac on N side of Neuse R & W side of Swifts Cr; border begins at a pine beside the river at mouth of toroughfare & about 80 poles above "the" ferry landing, joins Governor Dobbs line, main road, Thomas Jones, Edward Griffith, SE corner of Herbert's patent, Matthias Kemp's patent; sold by John Spence West to said Solomon Patrick who sold to Samuel Street; in Feb 1806 Samuel Street signed bond to Solomon Patrick for $2,000 conditioned on payment of $1,000 on Dec. 25, 1890 with "legal" interest; current sale void if Street pays debt. (signed) Saml Street, (witness) John S West (only one witness), wit. oath Dec. 1806 by John S West (signed) Henry L Chapman, for Sam] Chapman CC; Dec. 10, 1806 book 37 p. 40.


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Mathias Kemp (or Cemp) left a will dated 21 May 1766.   In it he leaves the plantation he lives on and the ferry to his wife, Elizabeth, until her death or widowhood.  Upon her death or marriage, they go to their son, James, "and nothing else".   Upon the deaths of Mathias and Elizabeth, James is also to see to the education of his siblings, which was to be paid for out the "benefits" of the ferry.   Mathias's "Moveable Estate", after the death or remarriage of his wife, was to be divided between the other children "Being Eight in Number Viz. Joshua, Isaac, Thomas, Mary, Sarah, Jemima, Barbara & Elizabeth."  This division is to occur when the children reach the age of 21 or marry.  The will was proven in court in April 1767 on the oath of Absalom Tuten and Joshua Kemp qualified as Executor.
