Select Craven County Griffin Items (Court minutes, deeds, wills, etc.)

by | Jul 1, 2018 | 2 comments

I do descend from the GRIFFIN family of Pitt County, though I’ll admit I haven’t spent much time researching them beyond my direct line (If you’re curious: James GRIFFIN > Josiah GRIFFIN + Patsey WHITEHEAD > James GRIFFIN + Rebecca Ann SMITH > Harriet A.E. GRIFFIN + Allen MILLS > James Allen MILLS + Ann Eliza ARNOLD > Sarah Jane MILLS + John Stanley GASKINS > Helen Gold GASKINS + Albert Dorsey MORRIS > my maternal grandfather > my mother > me).

The Craven County GRIFFINs may or may not be related to the Pitt County GRIFFINs, I have no idea, but regardless, I keep coming across GRIFFINs while researching other ancestors, so now I think it may be time for me to go ahead and create a big ol’ reference page with as many GRIFFIN items as I can harvest from Craven County sources.

Since I have collected copies of these items over the years while researching other nearby families, I can only say that these abstracts come from primarily the wonderful transcription works of Dr. Stephen Bradley and Weynette Parks Haun, though I’m not sure which exact titles. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list!


  • Benjamin GRIFFIN planter of Craven Co to Solomon GRIFFIN planter of same. 2 Feb 1758. £27 proclamation. 150 acres which was part of a patent to Cornelius LOFTIN Sr, on the south side of Nuce River, joining the west side of Half Moon Swamp, TROWHITT. Wit: Thomas JACKSON. Proved Feb Ct 1758 before Pet CONWAY CJ .C.
  • Mary KEARNEY of Craven Co to John SPEIRS of same. 22_ 17 61. £ 10 proclamation. 100 acres which was part of a patent to Solomon Griffin 20 Apr 1745, where sd Mary KERNEY formerly lived, on Swifts Creek, joining the line on the south side of the branch where sd Sollomon GRIFFIN lived. Wit: Joseph BRYAN, George BRYAN, Thom BRYAN. Proved Jul Ct 1764. Pet CONWAY C.J.C.
  • Joseph(x) MASON planter of Onslow Co to James Hering (HERRING) planter of Craven Co. 25 Nov 1762. £5 proclamation. 263 acres which was a patent to sd Jos. Mason dated 24 Apr 1762, joining Jacob GRIFFIN, SamHERRING. Wit: Mathew MASONJames( ) HERRING. Proved Jul Ct 1763 before Peter CONWAY C.J.C.
  • Lewis BRYAN of Craven Co. to Benjamin GRIFFIN of same. 21 Dec 1742. £60. 100 acres which sd Lewis Bryan holds by patent, dated 23 Nov 1732., on Swift Creek, joining Mauls? Run, sd Lewis BRYAN, sd Benjamin GRIFFIN. Wit: Thomas MCCLENDON, Saml LUMFORD. Proved 28 Dec 1742 before N. ROUTLEDGE Clk Cur.
  • Samuel LAMBETH of Craven Co. to John PHILLIPS. 4 Jun 1761. £20 proc. 400 acres, which was a 400 acre survey formerly surveyed for Peter Gilstrap , on the north side of Nuce River, joining Thomas BRANTON, WITHERINGTON, GRIFFIN. Wit: J? RICHSON, Hatten JONES. Proved Apr Ct 1762 before Peter CONWAY C.J.C.
  • Solomon GRIFFIN of Craven Co to Thomas BRYAN of same. 9 Jun 1764. £10 proc. 79 acres as by patent dated 20 Apr 1745, on Swifts Creek, joining Mrs MILLER, Solomon GRIFFIN, Thomas BRYAN, Jonas GRIFFIN, Stockwell BRIGHT, Thomas TYRE, Jacob MILLER. Wit: William BEAMON, Stockwell BRIGHT.
  • Solomon GRIFFIN planter of Craven Co to Joseph LEECH merchant of New Bern in sd county. 13 Sep 1764. £10 proclamation. 100 acres which was part of a patent to sd Solomon GRIFFIN, on the east side of Swifts Creek & Mauls Runn, joining Jacob MILLER, Thomas BRYAN, Stockwell BRIGHT. Wit: Lewis BRYAN, James HILL.
  • James COOR, trader (New Bern, NC) to John GRIFFIN, planter (Craven Co). Apr. 11, 1772. £70 proc. sold 230 ac on Swifts Cr; border: joins John HILL & George FISHER; 100 ac was granted Jul 24, 1767 to said James COOR & the other 130 ac granted Jun. 15, 1768 to said James COOR [reference to grants for metes & bounds]. (signed) James COOR; (witness) Wm GOOD & Joseph ASHBURY, [note at end indicates Griffin paid Cor £70 on Apr. 11, 1772]; wit. oath Sept. 1774 by William Good; book 21 p. 98,
  • John SPIERS, planter (Craven Co) to William LAWLY (same). May 8, 1776. £100 proclamation money sold 100 ac on E side of Swifts Cr, border: begin at “the” line on S side of the branch where Solomon GRIFFIN lived, joins patent line, head of a branch, line between said William LAWLY & Stockwell BRIGHT, & crosses fork of the branch; where said William Lawly lives; part of grant Apr. 20, 1745 to Solomon Griffin. (signed) John Spiers’ mark “S”; (witness) John HARRIS & David GATLIN; wit. oath Jun. 1777 by John Harris; book 22 p. 409.
  • Moses GRIFFIN (Craven Co) to William CARRAWAY, esq planter (same). Dec. 13, 1781. £50 “spice” sold 260 ac on N side of Neuse R & W side of Beards Cr; border: begins on the creek “a little” above the “plantation” where my brother Solomon GRIFFIN lived, joins my brother Solomon GRIFFIN’s line, back line of the patent “agreeable to” my father’s will, a savannah, & head of the creek; part of 390 ac granted Jan. 16, 1718/9 to Martin FRANKS and after “several trafarances” to my father Solomon GRIFFIN who willed to his sons Solomon, Jesse, & Moses (signed) Moses GRIFFIN; (witness) A Neale & Francis DAWSON; [note at end indicates CARAWAY paid GRIFFIN £50 on Dec. 13, 1781]; wit. oath Dec. 1781 by Francis Dawson; book 24 p. 180.
  • William CARAWAY esq (Craven Co) to Moses GRIFFIN, taylor (same). Dec. 13, 1781. for £55 specie sold 0.25 ac in eastermost half of lot 304 in New Bern; border: 53 feet 7.5 inches in front on New Street and runs N to back line of said lot. (signed) William Caraway; (witness) A Neale & Francis Dawson; [note at end indicates Griffin paid Carraway £55 on Dec. 13, 1781]; wit. oath Mar. 1782 by Francis Dawson; book 24 p. 189.
  • Jesse GRIFFIN (Craven Co) to Ignatious WADSWORTH (same). Apr. 15, 1783. £200 specie sold 109 ac on Dover Br of Moseley’s Cr; border begins at George STRINGER’s corner red oak, sold May 13, 1756 by George STRINGER sr to John STRINGER and by heredity to his son said” John STRINGER “herein first mentioned” who sold to said Jesse “GRIFIN”. (signed) Jesse GRIFFIN; (witness) Thos MORRIS & “Willila” HARKINS [a man]; wit. oath Jun. 1783 to Thomas MORRIS; book 24 p. 321.
  • Feb. 25, 1819 Abner CAMPBELL (Craven Co) to William GRIFFIN (same); for $500 sold 2 tracts: (a) 203 ac on S side of Swifts Cr; border: begins at a pine and joins dividing line; & (b) 15 ac, border begins at Joseph JAMES’ line near John BRYAN’s corner pine, joins Henderick, & run of “said” creek. (signed) Abner CAMPBELL; (witness) Elisha GRIFFIN & I GRIFFIN; wit. oath Dec. 1819 by Elisha GRIFFIN; book 41 p. 394.
  • Mar. 1, 1819 Ajax CAMPBELL to Evins OLDS; for $1,000 sold 230 ac in 3 separate tracts on S side of Neuse R “parf’ joining the river: (a) 110 ac; border: begins at a pine on river side & joins Davis; granted Sept 29 1 759 to Benjamin Taylor; (b) 70 ac; border: begins at a poplar on N side of main road beside a branch, joins Isaack WINGATE, Polle BRIDGE, Wingate’s line of his wolf pit patent, & last corner of Robert FILLINGIM’s 100 ac patent; granted [blank] 18, 1791 to Robert Fillingim; & (c) 50 ac border: begins at last corner lightwood of said patent and joins Fillingirn granted to Robert Fillingim. (signed) Ajax Campbell & Enoch FILLINGIM (sic): (witness) John CHAPMAN & Elisha GRIFFIN; wit. oath Dec. 1819 by Elisha GRIFFIN; book 41 p. 395.
  • Mar. 1, 1819 Ajax CAMPBELL (Craven Co) to William GRIFFIN (same); for $300 sold 51 ac on N side of Neuse R & S side Swifts Cr; border: begins at a stake on side of Little Mill Run “first” below the little mill, joins Sept. WIGGINS, run of the creek, & mouth of Little Mill Run. (signed) Ajax CAMPBELL; (witness) John CHAPMAN & Elisha GRIFFIN: wit. oath Dec. 1 819 by Elisha GRIFFIN; book 41 p. 419.


  • Owen GRIFFIN (of Craven Co.) – 8 Apr 1796, proved Jun 1802.  All my estate in Craven Co to be divided between Edward Sirls (SEARLES), Stephen L. SIRLS? & Sara SIRLS?, the children of my half-brother William SIRLS. Ex. my friend & brother William S ... ? Wit: John HARRIS, Sarah HARRIS, Luc? MESSICK
  • 19 Dec 1804 – Abram GRIFFIN is witness to will of Thomas BRADSHEAR
  • William GRIFFIN (of Craven County) – 30 Nov 1809 (Proved Dec 1809). Wife: Abigail GRIFFIN – 1 plantation called Russell plantation… ; son John GRIFFIN – 400 acres between Flat Branch & Benjamin GRIFFIN’s line… ; son William GRIFFIN – 500 acres the old & new plantations that formerly belonged to Samuel Lambert & piney woods that lies between the big prong of Wildcat Branch & Panther Island branch to the horsepen; … son Levi GRIFFIN – all the rest of the RUSSELL land, …; Witnesses:  Levi WEST, Daniel LANE; Probate indicates that John GRIFFIN qualified as excr.
  • Benjamin GRIFFIN (of Craven County, planter) – 10 Mar 1811 (Proved Sep 1811). Wife: Abigail GRIFFIN; sons Lewis GRIFFIN & Jesse GRIFFIN; daughters Rebecca, Alsey & Abigail; Witnesses: John B. GRIFFIN, Levi GRIFFIN, Lewis GRIFFIN; Bryan GRIFFIN qualified as executor.
  • 3 Oct 1815 – Lewis GRIFFIN witnesses will of William JONES
  • Moses GRIFFIN (“of Newbern”) – Will made in 1807; died 14 Mar 1816; Names June, Dick, Mingo, Emperor as “negroes” to be freed after a certain period of work, according to the laws of the state; also names Frederick WALLACE as a nephew and gives him “negro fellow Toney” and money for education, but if Frederick dies or has no heirs by age of 25, both bequests are to be returned to Griffin estate; provides specific instructions for establishment of GRIFFIN FREE SCHOOL for orphans and “poor and indigent” students, as well as 25 other students.

Estate Items

(Appears to be from 1756)
Tyrrel Co. Inventory of the goods & chattels of [torn] GRIFFIN Sr dec’d. Taken by the excrs 76 Oct [torn] John GRIFFIN & Ann  GRIFFIN. This copy by Fr WARD C.C.

Inventory of the estate of Samuel PURIANCE dec’d taken 30 [torn] 1756. The account of debts within the inventory named the following: Mathew Adams, James Cooper, John Griffin, Daniel Roberson, Thomas Bennett, John Dugan, D? Kettcham, Edward Cooper


  1. Anne Wilson

    Thank you for putting these documents together. Elisha Griffin is my husband’s 4x great grandfather and I have struggled to come up with his parents. I would point out that Elisha sold his land in Pitt Co in 1818 and was described as being “of Greene Co”. I have looked at Joshua Griffin who was from Dobbs/Glasgow/Greene counties, probably the same location but the names of the counties changed. In 1820 Elisha is in Craven County and next to a William Griffin who appears to be close in age so perhaps a brother. Perhaps these deeds will shed some light on the Griffin relationships. It would have been nice if they had been more explicit.
    I would appreciate hearing anything further from you on this mystery.

  2. HM

    From The Daily Journal, New Bern, NC, Friday, Aug, 26,1982 –
    A telegram was received here yesterday announcing the sudden death of C.M.A.Griffin the previous night. Mr Griffin was one of the most well known citizens of Pitt Co. and was the pioneer for local steam transportation of the Neuse River. He leaves a wife and several children. He was a relative of Moses Griffin the widely known founder of The Griffin School.

    So the Craven Griffins are related to the Pitt Co. Griffins.


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