A Bill for annexing part of the County of Craven to Pitt County (1786)

by | Jan 9, 2025 | 0 comments

The following was found in the General Assembly Session Records at NCDCR online.

Here is a direct link to the Bill and accompanying petition. https://digital.ncdcr.gov/Documents/Detail/nov.-30-house-bill-for-annexing-part-of-craven-county-to-pitt-county-with-petition/835946

In spite of the petition from residents listed below, it does appear from one of the images that the bill was passed on December 28, 1786.

A Bill for annexing part of the County of Craven to Pitt County

November 30, 1786

Whereas many of the Inhabitants of the County of Craven have petitioned to be annexed to the County of Pitt.

Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of this act, all that part of the County of Craven included in the following bounds, beginning at the Pitt line where Creeping Swamp intersects the same, thence down the run or middle of the said Swamp to the run or middle of the Clay Root Swamp, thence down the run of the said Clay Root Swamp to the run of Swift Creek Swamp, thence up the run of the same to Isaac Gardner’s ford, or path across the same, thence a direct line to the lower landing on Grindal Creek, which is in about half a mile of the mouth of the said Creek, thence down the said Grindal Creek to the Neuse River, thence up the meanders of the said River Neuse to the mouth of Great Contentney Creek, thence up the said Creek to the mouth of Little Contentney Creek, thence up the same to the line of Dobbs County thence with the said line of Dobbs to the line of the County of Pitt… [page is torn and parts are illegible]

and remain a part of the County of Pitt: Provided always nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the Sheriff of Craven from collecting all public taxes due or in arrears for the year 1788 in that part of said County, which comes within the description of this act.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that from and after the passing of this act, the County of Craven shall send 4 Jurors, and the County of Pitt 6 Jurors to the Superior Court.

Petition from Inhabitants of Craven County

September 1786


The subscribers, freeholders & inhabitants of the upper end of Craven County, having been informed that application was made to the last Assembly to add a part of Craven to the County of Dobbs, and as there may be a similar attempt to add another part of Craven to the County of Pitt, we take the liberty of addressing you on the subject. Declaring that we are by no means willing to be separated from the County of Craven where we have long resided & hope still to remain, and we request you as representatives of every part of the county that you will use your utmost endeavors to prevent any part of Craven County being added to any other county whatsoever, as such measures would not only be an injury to us but also to the whole inhabitants of the county.


James Coor

R.D. Spaight ??

Abner Neale Esq.

[three more names are crossed out]

Shadrack Allen

Isaac Gardner

Wm. Wherry

John Smith {his E mark}

Joll Willis

Stephen Pugh

Moses Roundtree

Reuben Rountree

Ephraim Mills

Edward Cannon Senr.

William Garrell Senr

John? Willis {his mark}

Jacob Garrelld Snr {his mark}

Jacob Garrelld Jnr {his mark}

Solomon Olliver {his mark}

Jesse Pollard

Jesse Chapman

Edward Gardner Junr

John Cannon {his mark}

John Wingate

David Sutton

John Sutton {his mark}

David Sutton {his mark}

Jacob Hisman {his mark}

George Charlton {his mark}

John Rountree

Osbon Clark

Steph Charlton

Daniel Brownnig? {his mark}

James Corbin {his mark}

Grave? Hemp

Jarrel Cammill {his mark}

Wm Deabonport (Davenport?)

John Gwaltney

Smith ???? {his mark}

Jeremiah Warren

Aron Cox {his mark}

William Barrett?

Benjamin Guartney {his mark}

Philip Causey {his mark}

John Tuten? {his mark}

Samuel Kight {his mark}

Benjamin Venters {his mark}

Abraham Smith {his mark}

Danel Venters

Edward Ross {his mark}

Lm Ress?

Wm Browning {his mark}

John Vanpelt

Lewis Cannon {his mark}

Jacob Cannon {his mark}

John Willin

Thomas Willin

John Kight {his mark}

Joseph Cox {his mark}

Dan Cox {his mark}

John Avery {his A mark}

Hugh Pugh Senr {his mark}

Absolom Cox {his mark}

Anthony Whery

Hugh Pugh Jnr

Stephen Gatlin

William Adams?

Arthur Butler {his mark}

Samuel Simmons

David Avritt

William Staton

Henry Smyth

Robert James

Wm Hellen

Joseph Lethworth

Wileby Adams {his mark}


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