David K. Roach sends a letter to his mother in Swift Creek from Fort Hawkins, Jones County, Georgia

by | Apr 8, 2018 | 2 comments

The following is a transcription of a letter from David K. ROACH to his mother, Mary “Polly” (Sommers) ROACH. His father was Charles ROACH.

It was written in July 1822 and it refers to other Swift Creek friends:

  • Charles KINION (married Elizabeth DUBBERLY or Elizabeth PRITCHETT)
  • Hannah & Pearce (probably David’s sister, Hannah ROACH, and her husband, Ephraim PEARCE. They married in 1820. I haven’t traced this family, but it appears Ephraim was dead or had gone his own way before 1830, as Hannah was listed as head of household in 1830 and on subsequent census records.)
  • Allen HALL & “Marriner” (probably Marina; so far I’ve been unable to find either of these two in Craven County or Georgia… any leads would be helpful)
  • David CLARK (son of James CLARK & Deliverance CHAPMAN)
  • John KING (son of Joel KING, husband of Winnifred KEMP)

Fort Hawkins July 21st 1822

Der Mother

Tis with fear of sensur that I have not rote to you in so long a time, but I hope you will pardon your son who wood give mor to see you than any other person under the heavens, perhaps you will think when you receive this that I have not conducted myself in a proper manner, but tis not so, I have had my misfortunes as well as all other people, the first year I came to Georgia I had a severe spell of the bilious fever which unabled me to work for near three months.

The next march I had the misfortune to get all my clothes burnt except what was on my back. these misfortunes together wit another spell of sickness last fall and a fit of the fever since I have been at this place has rendered me unfit for service, so I wish to return home as quick as possible, I am unable to raise money to defray my expences and wish you to send me fifty dollars for that purpose I could comde by selling my horse at an under value, but i don’t wish to do that for he is valuable. I sall continue here untill I hear from you and expect you to comply with my request by the middle of September by that time the weather will be cool enough to travel and provisions will be more plenty and cheaper traveling

I receivd a letter las october which informed me of my fathers death and the marriage of my sister which troubled me greatly. I have received another last April from you and have since heard by Charles KINION that Hannah and Pearce (?) has made peace and now lives together. Allen HALL & Marriner lives her within 3 miles of this place & Marriner has four children and is doing tolerable good bisness. David CLARK & John KING lives about forty mils from here, and report says they are making out but badly, I am in tolerable health at present and hope these lines will find you all well.

I have no more to say at present
but remain
yours and ”

David K Roach

Fort Hawkins
Jones County



    David K. Roach was my 4th great Uncle, I have shared this wonderful letter you have so graciously transcribed to my group on Facebook called “The Roach Family and descendants of Ayden NC” Thanks so much for posting this on your site.

    • Donna

      Jerry, I too am related to the Roaches (this line). What is the facebook page that I can connect too?


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