Freelove WEEKS was the daughter of Ezekiel WEEKS and Deliverance SHAW. Her husband was John CHAPMAN.
Freelove died sometime before 10 October 1792, as that’s when the inventory of her estate was taken by her son, Jesse CHAPMAN.
October 10 1792
En Inventery of the property of Freelove Chapman Deceasd—–
7 Chears, 2 Beds Bedstides & Cords & 2 bolsters
3 Sheets, 1 Blanket, 3 Rugs, 3 Basons —
4 Dishes 4 puter plates, 14 Spoons, 4 knives &
7 falks, 5 trenchers, 5 yearthen plates, 1 frying pan
1 Skillit, 4 potts, 2 Large wheels, 3 Small wheels
2 pr Cardes 3 meal Sifters, 1 Chest 2 Cases, 2 Churns
1 Reg? Cittle, 1 pr Stillards, 1 pott, tramel, 2 axes
3 hoes, 1 tub, 1 half bushel, 4 pails, 1 Piggon?, 3 Baskits,
1 handmill, 1 pr Sifsers, 11 peaces Crockery, 1 tumbler
2 Trays, 1 Suger Box, Sum flax, 15 Cotten in Seed
1 mans Sadle, 1 Viel, 1 table, 2 Jugs, 3 Sides Lether
4 Bushels wheet, 22 fowls, 2 Gees, 1 handsaw
10 head Cattle & 13 head hogs — 1 Bee hive
1 pr Iron Wedges [written above “Wedges” it says “one Cupers ads”] — a true Inventery
taken by Jesee Chapman
Freelove Chapman
returned March Term 1793
I believe I am a descendant of John & Freelove Chapman [through both Deliverance and Lydia or Lydda]. I wondered if you had any sources that connection Freelove with her parents?