Below, I have transcribed a deed which conveys land from Thomas and Isaac ANDERSON of Craven County to John ALLEN of the same. I’ve wondered until this point who the father of Thomas ANDERSON is, but I think this deed might offer some information that can help us start to answer the question. The land that Thomas and Isaac sell to Mr. ALLEN is land that was originally granted to James ANDERSON in 1771. Does that mean James ANDERSON was their father? Buyers from James ANDERSON’s estate from 1772 were:
- Edward GATLIN
- Benjamin BEASLEY
- William WINHAM
- John LAIN (John LANE)
- Joseph ARNELD (Joseph ARNOLD)
- Abraham ARNELD (Abraham ARNOLD)
- Joseph JAMES
- Jeremiah JAMES
North Carolina
Craven CountyThis Indenture made the twenty fifth day February one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven Between Isaac ANDERSON and Thomas ANDERSON of the County & State aforesaid of the one part & John ALLEN of the other part Witnesseth that the said Isaac ANDERSON & Thomas ANDERSON for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred & Ten pounds lawful money of the State aforesaid to them in hand paid by thes said John ALLEN the receipt we the said Isaac & Thos ANDERSON do hereby acknowledge hath fully requitted and discharted the said John ALLEN Sum? every part & parcel thereof have bargained sold aleined & confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell alien & confirm unto the said John ALLEN his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract of Land containing one hundred Acres more or less situate in Craven County on the West Side of Swifts Creek at the upper end of Piny neck [Piney Neck] Beginning at a pine in John ANDERSON’s line running No 80 Wt 80 poles to a pine then No 10 east 200 poles to a pine then No 80 east 80 poles to a Sweet Gum at the Creek Swamp to John ANDERSON’s corner tree then with his line South 10 Wt 200 poles to the first station the same being part of a greater tract of Land granted to James ANDERSON by patent dated the fourteenth day of November One Thousand seven hundred Seventy one as may appear by patent on record. To Have & to Hold the prebargained land and premises with all & singular the appurtenances rights privaleges and profits thereunto belonging or in any wise thereunto appertaining unto the said John ALLEN and his heirs forever, and the said Isaac & Thomas ANDERSON doth covenant to & agree with the said John ALLEN that he is rightfull & lawfull authority in his own right to sell & dispose of the same and that the same is free & clear of all former bargains mortgages & incumbrances in any manner whatsoever & the said Isaac & Tho ANDERSON for themselves their heirs & doth covenent & agree to & wth the said John ALLEN his heirs & that he will at any time here after at the instance & request of the proper Loss & charge of the said John ALLEN sign seal & execute any other Deed or Deeds conveyance or conveyances whatseover in law Ex? his the said John ALLEN Council learned with the Law shall advise or require for the better & more Profit conveying & asserting the above mentioned land & premises & the appurtenances thereunto belonging & every part & parcel thereof and the said Isaac ANDERSON & Thomas ANDERSON for themselves & their Heirs doth warrant & defend the said bargained premises to the said John ALLEN his heirs & assigns forever from them & their heirs or from any other person or persons Whatsoever.
In Witnesse whereof the said Isaac & Thomas ANDERSON hath hereunto set their hands Affixed their seals the Day & year first above written. Signed Sealed & delivered in presents of us
Isaac { his
mark } ANDERSON { SEAL }
Thomas { his T mark } ANDERSON { SEAL }[Witnesses]
Danl. LANE [Daniel LANE]
Hannah { her X mark } TAYLORMarch Craven County Court 1787
Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the oath Lewis Jones one of the witnesses thereto & ordered to be registered.
Attest. Wm. BRYAN