William Whitford to Thomas Whitford (Craven County, 1748)

by | Dec 16, 2017 | 0 comments

Below I have transcribed a deed from William WHITFORD to Thomas WHITFORD, both of Craven County.

To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting.

Know ye that I William WHITFORD of the County of Craven in North Carolina Schoolmaster for & in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds to me in hand by Thomas WHITFORD of the afsd County planter, before the ensealing hereof the Rect whereof do acknowledge & myself thereof & of every part & parcell thereof am satisfied and contented do acquit & discharge this? Thomas WHITFORD his heirs & Adminrs for ever by these presents have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed, & confirmed unto him the said Thomas Whitford, his heirs & assigns for ever One messuage or Tract of Land situate lying & being in the County of Craven aforesaid on the North side of upper broad Creek on the North Side of Neuse River containing One hundred & thirty five acres bound Viz. from the upper part of the reedy Branch to the upper line of the Patent; It being part of a greater quantiy granted by patent in the year 1748. To have and to hold the Sd granted and bargained premises with all the appurtenances, privledges & Commodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Thomas WHITFORD his heirs & assigns for Ever to his & their proper uses, benefit & behoof for ever & the said William WHITFORD for me my heirs Exec & Admin do covenant, promise, grant to and with the said Thomas Whitford his heirs & assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the Lawfull Owner of the above bargained premises & am Lawfully possessed by Patent as my own proper right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple & have bargain, sell, convey & confirm the said bargained premises above said; & the said Thomas WHITFORD his heirs & assigns shall and may from time to time & at all times hereafter for ever by force and virtue of these presents, lawfully, peaceably, & quietly have, hold, occupy, possess, & enjoy the said de?? & bargained premises with the appurtenances free & clear & freely & clearly acquitted and discharged of from all &all manner of other Gifts, grants, bargains, sales, Leases, Wills, Intails, Joyntures, Dowries, Judgments, estants? Executions or Incombrances; furthermore, I the said William WHITFORD for my self  my heirs Exec & Admin do covenant & engage the above de? premises to him the Sd Thomas WHITFORD his heirs & assigns against the lawfull Claims or Demands of any person, or persons, do warrant & defend the Quit Rents only excepted to the King. Signed, Sealed & delivered in prescence of us, this Twenty eighth day of March in the year 1748:


Christo. DAWSON

June Court, 1748. Then the foregoing Deed of sale was acknowledged in open court & Registered.


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